OUTSIDER (Single/ 2023)
Caught in a kind of paradox, the paradox of the unknown, as if lost in time, as if walking on a tightrope between two far-off worlds. Where’s the way out of this fog? How to break those bounding fetters. Be among them, but still alone.
The possibility to be found? Still, that odd one, though among them, still wants to hide.
From OUTSIDER music dance video - With Malou Rédarès
released Febrruary 18, 2023
all rights reserved

BODIES (Album/ 2022)
Suppose that Dali's spoon woke you up while you were still in Morpheus' arms. You would be confronted with the strange and the very same at the same time. And then, was it yesterday or the day before? Was it long before or after the last memory perceived as reality in your life? Do you feel Chuang Tzu or butterfly? What transformation of things have you undergone? To which direction of the vector of the causality do you turn? What's left?
A scene, a couple of characters, a few gestures, and, of course, some words, some phrases... Then comes the awakening. You, yourself, claim you were there. Certainty, you are the object of an action, of a speech that you appear to utter. You are also the object of a gaze that you project on yourself in the distance of a dream as if you were someone else. Wait. Is this you, or is it someone else? Perhaps both? And, maybe more crucially, do you believe it was real?
The oniric experience always serves as the setting for a troubling encounter, whether it is the hallucinatory experience of the dream, a narrative recounted through temptations of memory, associative interactions that give rise to the elucidation of dormant thoughts, or the embodiment of an interpretative perception. An encounter with the structure of various spaces, objects, and psychic motions. An encounter with elements that are fundamentally antagonistic and yet coexist in the same space. Through the parade of opposites, it is both the identificatory choices and the most founding identity possibilities of the subjects that are brought into play.
released December 2, 2022
Pic credits: Farah Amri on LUCIDREAM short film's set
all rights reserved

AWE (Single/ 2021)
Awed by the mind and the vastness of thoughts. Could be dreadful. Could be wonderful.
released October 22, 2021
all rights reserved

MOVE (EP/ 2020)
From MOVE_ short film:
Across the system's borders, a voice is inviting us to follow rhymes of movements to reshape our beliefs. Inspired by MOVE that fought for justice and egalitarianism, we believe in the future. A future that we can't see.
released January 17, 2021
all rights reserved

.1 (Album/ 2019)
YOU has been defined.
YOU has been imposed.
In HUMAN we believe.
Scattered into sound's vision, we restart from .1
released June 22, 2019
Design and cover art: Zohra Mrad (MRADZO)
all rights reserved

RBOUKH (EP/ 2021)
A bridge between the past, present, and future, "RBOUKH" is a dance and music creation born from questions about this Tunisian heritage. In different wedding celebrations, RBOUKH takes us to an altered state of consciousness, to absorption in an articulate body.
released September 9, 2022
Pic credit: Salsabil Souissi in RBOUKH dance performance/ Festival Carthage Dance 2022
Music and Sound: MRWN
Choreographer: Wael Marghni
Interpreters: Salsabil Souissi – Sabri Rejeb – Badis Hachech
Scenography: Farah Amri
Lights: Sabri Atrous
all rights reserved

WRATH (Single/ 2020)
“What is upsetting the country is a sense of its own identity. If, for example, one managed to change the curriculum in all the schools so that Negroes learned more about themselves and their real contributions to this culture, you would be liberating not only Negroes, you’d be liberating white people who know nothing about their own history. And the reason is that if you are compelled to lie about one aspect of anybody’s history, you must lie about it all. If you have to lie about my real role here, if you have to pretend that I hoed all that cotton just because I loved you, then you have done something to yourself. You are mad.”
--James Baldwin--
We were following what happened in #Minneapolis and many other cities of the #UnitedStates as we are working on "MOVE_" project regarding the events that happened to MOVE organisation in #Philadelphia for now about one year and so we felt the need to shout out loud and join the legitimate anger against discrimination, injustice and racism.
We review many quantum aspects of torsion theory especially the possibility of the space-time torsion to exist and to be detected
released June 2, 2020
all rights reserved

Percolation theory describes the behavior of a network when nodes or links are removed. This is a geometric type of phase transition, since at a critical fraction of removal the network breaks into significantly smaller connected clusters.
released July 16, 2018
all rights reserved

EMERSION (Single/ 2018)
It's not about the fact of being modified by pleasure or pain, it's the being that comes out of this modification. Emersion of an earlier state, and immersion in a future state, That's our life. Thus, the permanent state of our being is the aspiration
Design and cover art: Zohra Mrad (MRADZO)
all rights reserved
Short film, Tunis 2020
Across the system's borders, a voice is inviting us to follow rhymes of movements to reshape our beliefs. Inspired by MOVE that fought for justice and egalitarianism,
we believe in the future. A future that we can't see.

Short film, Bamako 2021
“When we played football in this passage, the ball sometimes ended up in the prison, we went to look for it inside, without problem, and we continued to play. As for school, we were only waiting for school to leave at noon to go and play table football at the end of the alley,” he told me.
Short film, Dar Allouch/Tunis 2022
A scene, a couple of characters, a few gestures, and, of course, some words, some phrases... Then comes the awakening. You, yourself, claim you were there. Certainty, you are the object of an action, of a speech that you appear to utter. You are also the object of a gaze that you project on yourself in the distance of a dream as if you were someone else. Wait. Is this you, or is it someone else? Perhaps both? And, maybe more crucially, do you believe it was real?

MARWEN BEN CHEIKH - MRWN Marwen Ben Cheikh, currently based in Bamako, Mali, is a sound designer and art performer. He creates from various materials that he transforms into a unique reflection. While he absorbed more and more sound and its effects on body and mind, during his university career, at ISAMM, the Higher Institute of Multimedia Arts, then at the institute SAE from Berlin, he developed his own style, at the crossroads between fury and indulgence, charge and discharge. Always with ardor, always with passion, audacity. At the same time as his studies, he participated in various cinematographic and artistic projects.
In Berlin, he further explores sonic boundaries and sees himself witnessing his interaction with other art forms. An area that he explores, between painting, photography, cinema and music, alone or in collective art groups (2016-2017).
In 2018, he introduced MRWN, thus affirming his own artistic designs and creations. He thus created, on May 1, 2018, the graffiti “HUMAN?”, Which he tagged on the walls of Berlin, as well as a photograph on plexiglas “HUMAN1” which was exhibited at the “Foreign Artists in Berlin”, in 2018 At the same time, he recorded his first album of four tracks, “Percolation” (23 '). In 2019, he returned to Tunis where he produced and released a double album (29 ’),“ .1 ”. The same year, in October, he launched the “MOVE project”, collaborating with a graphic designer, MRADZ (Zohra Mrad) for “MOVE.”. In 2020, Move continues its movement. MRWN is making a short film (15 ’), starring Wael Marghni, dancer and choreographer of the Tunis National Ballet. “MOVE_” has been awarded in numerous international festivals such as Around International Film Festival Berlin (ARFF) in official selection, “Best sound design” in Los Angeles at Independent Shorts Awards (ISA), “Best video art” in Venezuela at Five continents International Film Festival (FICOCC) and “Best Achievement Award” in Bhutan as part of the Duke International Film Festival (DIFF). In 2021, Marwen creates the sound design and music for the dance show "Rboukh", in collaboration with Wael Marghni.

Marwen Ben Cheikh, born in Tunis and currently residing in Addis Ababa, is a filmmaker, musician, and sound designer. His creative approach involves transforming various materials into a unique reflection, defining his creations and performances at the intersection of fury and indulgence, between charge and discharge.
Since 2010, he has collaborated on various film and music projects in Tunis and later in Berlin, deepening connections between various art forms such as painting, photography, film, and music, both as an individual artist and within collective artistic groups.
In 2018, Marwen introduced MRWN, his artistic identity. On May 1, 2018, he marked the walls of Berlin with the graffiti "HUMAN?" and exhibited a photograph on plexiglass, "HUMAN1," at the "Foreign Artists in Berlin" event. Simultaneously, he recorded his first four-track EP, "PERCOLATION" (23').
Back in Tunis in 2019, Marwen produced his first album (29'), ".1". The same year, he launched the "MOVE" project in collaboration with graphic designer MRADZO (Zohra Mrad) for "MOVE.". In 2020, he created a 15-minute short film, "MOVE_," in collaboration with Wael Marghni, a dancer and choreographer from the National Ballet of Tunis. The film was featured and awarded at numerous international festivals.
Between 2020 and 2023, MRWN participated in various choreographic projects as a composer and sound designer at the Tunis Opera House (National Ballet of Tunis), Carthage Dance (2022), Al Badil (Festival of Choreographic Premieres), Jaou 2022 (Ilyes Triki, Balance), and Movma (Rboukh). From these collaborations, MRWN produced his EP RBOUKH (2022) and his album PLASTIKESTRA (2023).
In 2021, Marwen took part in the residency program of the "Cooperative des artistes Le Fil" in Bamako, Mali, creating his second short film, "BorderLine," released in December 2021 at the "Les Praticables" festival. In 2022, he joined the Art Rue and Tfanen-Tunisie Créative creation scholarship program, embarking on the production of the short film "LUCIDREAM." In May of the same year, he participated in the Fawasel showcase, "premières étapes créatives," at the Cité de la Culture. He then released his album "BODIES," the result of his exploration of bodies and their experiences. During the Sailing Stones festival (2022), he previewed part of the album, later broadcasting it on Radio Flouka.
In 2023, Marwen further enriched his artistic journey by recomposing and performing live part of Lydia Ourahman's film "Tassili" at B7L9. He then went on a residency in Marseille to begin the development of his feature film project, demonstrating his ongoing commitment to pushing artistic boundaries and exploring new creative territories.

BODIES Posters
1. Ilyes Triki holding the skies
2. Farah Amri In-Between
3. Wael Marghani Arising the Earth
Three BODIES posters and poetry on poster written by Soumaya Ben Cheikh and Ghassen Amami for BODIES Project.
Berlin 2018
208x156 cm Photography on Plexiglass
The human beings have been living without looking back to what they are. They evolved. They created the concept of evolution and cared about their expansion and power.
Who are you? What are you? How do you define the human inside of you?
HUMAN? is a formula to look at what is really beyond its definition proclaimed by a system that, now, is easily accepted.